Mobil Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicle Lubricants
ExxonMobil has specialised in heavy-duty commercial vehicle lubricants for over 80 years. Mobil Delvac meets, and often exceeds, the needs of today’s Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and Commercial Vehicle (CV) professionals, and is chosen by several of the world’s leading and largest heavy-duty truck engine builders for factory fill and service fill. Indeed, Mobil Delvac is chosen by the wrold’s Top 5 heavy duty OEM builders. You can therefore be sure there is a Mobil lubricant to meet the needs of your vehicle whatever your operating conditions.
For the latest brochueres, sell sheets and PDFs, please visit our Mobil Delvac resource centre.
OMAN MECHANICAL SERVICES Co.LTD.LLC (OMSC) is proud to distribute and sell a full range of Mobil Delvac engine oils that cover heavy, medium and light duty applications. We can provide customers with both synthetic and mineral oil based lubricants that help long engine life with extended service intervals. Please visit www.mobildelvac.co.uk for more information.
We also stock a full range of other Mobil automotive lubricants for truck and commercial van applications whether it be for large or small fleet operations. Depending on the individual products, they meet major specifications such as API, ACEA, ZF, MAN, Scania, Mercedes Benz, Volvo, Renault and DAF. For the latest specifications, please visit the ExxonMobil Product Data Sheet library.
- Mobil rear axle oils specially developed for transmission, axles and final drives
- Mobil oils for manual and automatic transmission including synthetic products
- Mobil ATF lubricants for power steering
- Mobil tractor lubricants for transmission and hydraulics
- Mobil truck and van gear oils
- Mobil agricultural STOU oils
- Mobil greases that offer first-rate stability against oxidation and moisture intrusion
To find out more about applications, please see the Mobil commercial vehicle lubricants product selector.